Islam is no doubt the best solution
But the way in Islam is undoubtedly wisdom
Though wisdom in minds are luminous
But revolutions never holds control of wisdom
For the very reason of ...
the process of revolution
does only come true to happen
when people are burnt with emotions
and emotions seldom control actions.
Thus revolution lays bariers to wisdom
So please all friends I pleads:
Come back to Islam;
Thou friends me pleads upon thee
Lay not into enemy's traps of
Islamic slogans to destroy Islam
For really they are
using Islam to destroy Islam.
Maaflah kawan kawan.....
kalau puisi ini berbentuk "poetry"
kerana ia bermula dari sebuah
slogan dalam bahasa inggeris
"Islam is the solution"
yang telah diseret kepada
saranan kearah "revolution"
terhadap kerajaan Islam.
Lawak bodoh Hamzah Zainuddin
TIBA TIBA sahaja timbalan presiden Bersatu Hamzah Zainuddin buat lawak
bodoh dalam *podcast* Keluar Sekejap (KS) bersama Khairy Jamaluddin...
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